
Hurt on the Job: What Should You Do?

Hurt on the job, but you’re not sure what to do next? Then don’t miss this article! Here we’ll reveal what you should do after you’ve been hurt on the job.

Hurt on the job?

Work injuries are a serious matter and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Every action you take following your injury can ultimately affect your ability to recover and continue working. That’s why it’s crucial that you understand what to do (and what not to do) if you become hurt on the job.

If you’ve sustained a work-related injury, here’s what you need to know:

First Steps After Being Hurt on the Job

Alert Your Supervisor

Immediately following your injury, you should report it to your supervisor. Your company likely has procedures in place that can help them secure any hazards that may have contributed to your injury, which can help prevent others from being injured. Also, not notifying your employer may jeopardize your injury claim.

Get Medical Attention

It’s in your best interest to seek medical attention, even if you are not sure how serious your injuries are. Oftentimes injuries such as back injuries can take several days to fully manifest themselves. Only a medical professional will be able to determine the extent of your work-related injury.

Document the Event

Your employer will likely have a report to file. You may be asked you questions regarding your injury, such as what you were doing at the time you became hurt on the job. While it’s important to cooperate with them, it may be in your best interest to seek legal advice before submitting a recorded statement.

Sometimes employers and adjusters ask confusing and even “trick” questions designed to get answers they can use against you to deny your claim.

Partner With an Attorney

Your employer will probably conduct their own investigation into the incident, such as reviewing footage or examining the accident site. However, keep in mind that your employer must also protect the company’s best interest, which means they may not always accurately determine the root cause of your injury.

To be sure you’re treated fairly, it’s in your best interest to contact an attorney who specializes in workers’ compensation claims. Having a legal expert on your side can ensure you’re treated fairly and compensated appropriately for your injury, if necessary.

A lawyer can also assist with an impartial investigation into your accident to uncover the root cause of your injury. He or she will examine your medical reports and any reports conducted by your employer, along with other investigative actions to resolve your case fairly.

Best Practices After a Work-Related Injury

Following the above first steps provides a good foundation for handling your work-related injury. However, these aren’t a guarantee you’ll receive the appropriate compensation for your medical bills, and lost wages, and permanent injuries.

First, if you’re contacted by an insurance adjuster, keep a good record of the call. Ask for their name, note the date and time of the call, and write down details, even if you don’t think these details will be important later.

It’s a good idea to write down any details you can remember regarding the event. Take pictures of the accident site as soon as possible, if you are able. These things can later be used to help you recall important information.

Frequently Asked Questions About Being Hurt on the Job

Since I Get Workers’ Compensation, Why Do I Need an Attorney?

While it’s true that Workers’ Compensation will cover some of your expenses, regardless of who is at fault, your situation may warrant more than what your adjuster is willing to offer you.

If you are offered a settlement, do not accept it without consulting with an attorney. Your company’s insurance provider shouldn’t be allowed to take advantage of the lack of your insurance knowledge.

Can I Get Fired For Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim?

In North Carolina, it is not legal to fire someone for filing a workers’ comp claim or for hiring an attorney.

If you were terminated following your injury and you feel it was due to your workers’ compensation claim, it’s in your best interest to partner with an attorney.

What Happens if My Employer Doesn’t Carry Insurance?

Most employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, regardless of industry or previous work-related injury history. This helps protect workers’ rights and ensures they can receive the necessary medical care if they are hurt on the job.

However, if your employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance, the employer may still be responsible for any injuries that occur on-site and will be personally required to pay for worker’s comp benefits you’re owed.

How Much Does an Attorney Cost?

Our team of lawyers accept cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that if we help you settle or win your case, you pay a percentage of what you receive. If you do not recover money in your case, you pay no fee.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

The general rule is that you have two years from your date of injury to file a claim with the North Carolina Industrial Commission. However, there are certain exceptions where that deadline can be extended, sometimes for years.

Do not give up just because your employer or adjuster told you it was too late. Call us and we will help you figure out whether an exception to the two year rule applies in your case.

Start Your Road to Healing Today

Getting hurt on the job can have devastating consequences to both your health and finances. While filing a claim may not fully undo the damage caused by your injury, alleviating some of the associated financial burdens can provide a welcomed step toward healing.

Contact Dodge Jones today to schedule a free, confidential consultation. Together, we can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.


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