
Articles Posted in worker’s compensation law


What are legal fees for accident cases?

Eastern North Carolina personal injury law firm: What do lawyers charge in wreck cases?  Contingency Fees in NC What does it cost to hire a lawyer in North Carolina? What’s included in legal representation? How do personal injury law firms charge fees? What are contingency fee agreements? Does it cost…


If I win my case how is the money paid?

If I win my case how is the money paid? The Greenville NC Dodge Jones personal injury law firm helps people with workplace injuries.  We offer a free consultation and want to answer your questions about legal representation for cases in Jacksonville, New Bern, Morehead City, and Beaufort, North Carolina.…


If I quit my job what happens to my Comp claim?

If I quit my job what happens to my Comp claim? Greenville NC Work Comp lawyer Kevin Jones can help answer your questions about disability benefits. Question 1:  Can I still get disability benefits for a workplace injury in North Carolina if I quit my job?  Yes, you can still…


Who is responsible for workplace injuries?

Who is responsible for workplace injuries? I’m going to talk to you now about what we in the Workers Comp world call third party claims. In Workers Comp, the injured worker is the first party. The employer and the insurance carrier are the second party. We’re talking about a third…


Repetitive Motion Injuries in the Workplace

Repetitive Motion Injuries in the Workplace   People ask me about repetitive motion injuries. Injuries that occur over time because of doing the same physical activity or similar physical activity over and over and over throughout the day at work. They’re handled differently for the most part than other types of…


What happens to my wages if I am hurt at work?

What happens to my wages if I am hurt at work? I’m going to talk to you now about the disability benefit that you’re supposed to be receiving when you’re out of work due to a work related injury. How is that calculated? What are you supposed to be paid…


What happens to my job if I file an injury claim?

What happens to my job if I file an injury claim?   I’m going to talk to you now about getting fired from your job as it relates to making a Workers Comp claim. One of the biggest concerns that people have when they do talk to me, either on…


What happens if I fail a drug test after being hurt at work?

What happens if I fail a drug test after being hurt at work? Do I lose benefits if I fail a drug test? What happens if I fail a drug test? Do I have any options? Can I still recover Workers’ Compensation benefits? What happens if I was impaired while…


Can I Collect Unemployment and Comp Benefits at The Same Time?

Can I Collect Unemployment and Comp Benefits at The Same Time?   Am I able to collect both at the same time? Does one rank above the other? Do I have options to chose which one I receive? What happens if I’ve received both? Am I in trouble? Does my…


Can I work when a workers compensation claim is made? 

  Can I work when a workers compensation claim is made?    Am I able to work while claim is ongoing? Am I restricted from any type or work? If so, what can I do for income? Are there limitations?   It really depends on what your doctor says.  The…

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